"I'm charting my own map, drawn from my experience and from others who have already made the journey to Métis."
Fiddler's Map follows a young Métis woman as she maps out what it means to be Métis in Canada today. Merelda Fiddler, descendent of fur trader and mapmaker Peter Fidler, surveys Métis history, culture, and politics while grappling with her own sense of family and identity. Among the many individuals she meets on her journey, Fiddler visits John Lagimodiere - a direct descendent of Louis Riel who publishes and edits Eagle Feather News as well as facilitating Aboriginal awareness seminars detailing the progress of the Métis since 1885. She also speaks with Maria Campbell - a writer and filmmaker best known for her revealing bestseller Halfbreed, which speaks to the political impact of telling Métis stories. This sharp and incisive documentary moves across Saskatchewan, home to one of the largest aboriginal populations in Canada, examining the racism and resentment that once led many families to repress their own heritage. The result is both an overview of Métis life in Canada since the fur trade and a personal quest to rediscover one's roots. 47 minutes. 2003